Chill downtime session! I promise nothing BAD is going to happen!

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Dice Will Roll

Chill downtime session! I promise nothing BAD is going to happen!

The Fogfen Few need a day to recover from the horrors of the Prison-- more specifically, from Belcorra's evil hot graveknight cousin. And aren't they owed a nice, relaxed downtime session? The last few times they stayed in Otari, terrible things happened! But this time, things will be different. Trust! They'll have a nice time fishing together, and nothing BAD will happen. Don't look at the title of the episode! Stop it! Cut that out! This is FUN, we're having FUN!

Nights get shared. Talks get had. Lines get cast.

All this and more in this episode of Dice Will Roll, the Queerest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet where we ask the Hard Questions like... who's this douchebag?

CONTENT WARNINGS: Psychological torment and gaslighting, serious relationship talks, abandonment, discussion of breakups, minor medical procedures, insufferable amounts of sex

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Choose one of the following episodes to start a new campaign, none of which require previous listening to enjoy!

Jan. 15, 2024

Abomination Vaults Ep. 1: Torchlight & Tales

Adventurers Wanted! Will you take this journey with us? Nothing much happens in sleepy Otari, a town founded by a band of adventurers centuries ago. But when a strange light from beyond the Fogfen glows, three heroes are call...

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July 30, 2020

Extinction Curse Ep. 1: Carnivals & Clowns

ROLL UP! ROLL UP! Come one, come all, and see the greatest show on all of Golarion! The Circus of Wayward Wonders has come to town, ready to put on the show of a lifetime and leave behind their turmoil …

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Feb. 4, 2019

Kingmaker Ep. 1: Brambles & Bandits

Enter the Stolen Lands; an untamed wilderness thriving with brigands, beasts and worse. In desperate need of heroes, a call to adventure was put out- unfortunately, no heroes were available to respond, so we just settled for ...

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June 13, 2022

Ruby Phoenix Ep. 1: Bamboo & Brawls

THE STORY BEGINS! Radiant Winds UNLEASHED! For the past few hundred years, fighters from around the planet of Golarion have gathered in the land of Kami and Dragons to prove their might. Once every decade, these powerful adve...

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